Valproate Fate
Human pregnancy lasts almost a year, and over that time, women are exposed to many things, some of which have serious consequences for the developing fetus.Take, for example, valproate, or valproic acid, a drug that some pregnant women take for epilepsy, mood stabilization or migraines. An estimated six to nine percent of babies exposed to valproate in utero develop autism, a risk several-fold higher than in the general population.Rodents exposed to valproate are probably the most studied environmental models of autism — and with good reason. These animals have repetitive behaviors, social deficits and abnormal patterns of super-fast brain waves, all reminiscent of symptoms in people with the disorder.A new rat study adds another level of complexity, showing that the precise timing of early valproate exposure can have a big influence on behavior later on.Read more at...SFARI, June 2012.