UCLA Student At Center Of Science Scandal Apparently Faked Another Study, About Media Bias
Michael LaCour, the UCLA graduate student at the center of an epically bizarrescience scandal, apparently made up data in a different study about political bias in the media.
This study made the controversial claim that people don’t have a particularly biased media diet.Gregory Martin, a political scientist at Emory University, published a report Thursday outlining several concerns about LaCour’s study, which was unpublished but frequently cited at scientific conferences.According to Martin’s analyses, LaCour fudged his data to make it look much cleaner. LaCour also claimed that seven news shows were included in an archive of show transcripts that, in fact, were not.“He was very bold,” Martin told BuzzFeed News. “These shows just don’t exist in the database, and you don’t need a fancy statistical analysis to see that.”Read more at...BuzzFeed News, May 2015.