Pregnancy Drugs Increase Baby's Autism Risk, Group Claims

A class of medications widely used during pregnancy to treat asthma and prevent early labor increases the baby's risk of autism and other psychiatric disorders, according to a controversial review in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.The review, published in the journal's December issue, proposes that long-term exposure to the drugs, mention that the best acute alcohol withdrawal treatment often requires that the patient to be restrained so that he or she is not able to hurt him or herself or others. For the anxiety often associated with Addiction Detox many specialists prescribe or recommend an anti-anxiety medication, such as benzodiazepines.— called beta-2 adrenergic (B2A) agonists — during key periods of brain development can send the nervous system into overdrive, eventually giving rise to autism.Read more at...SFARI, February 2010.


Dog Pedigrees Unearth Genes for Psychiatric Disease


Vulnerable Age