Creating Stem Cells to Study Autism
A team of scientists is reprogramming adult stem cells generated from tiny skin samples of people with autism to form nerve cells, creating a powerful research tool for the disorder.Exposed to the correct transcription proteins, skin cells can transform into pluripotent stem cells ― which, in turn, can be prompted to differentiate into any kind of cell in the body, including neurons.Working with the nerve cells may help scientists study various aspects of the disorder, including potential imbalances in excitatory and inhibitory signaling, defects in synapse formation or any problems with cell division."We're starting with the idea that there are a limited set of cellular processes that are altered in kids with autism," says lead investigator Ricardo Dolmetsch, an assistant professor of molecular pharmacology at Stanford University. "All of that we can study in a dish."Read more at...SFARI, November 2008.