Autism News from the 2012 Society for Neuroscience Meeting
I just returned from a fantastic five days of reporting on autism news at the 2012 Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in New Orleans.Check out my stories from the trip — everything from Temple Grandin's brain to transgenic monkeys:
Conference Reports:Researchers reveal first brain study of Temple GrandinOld mice may pass on 'epimutations' to offspringStudy tracks size of social brain areas across adolescenceHandwriting study points to motor, memory problems in autismResearchers question meaning of 'resting state' in autismChildren with autism get lost in time, imaging study saysAutism mouse models show glitch in motor learningProbiotic curbs autism features in mouse modelFragile X rats have trouble learning speech soundsSHANK3 mice comparisons reveal array of differencesResearchers swing toward monkey models of autismStudy implicates 'pleasure circuit' in Angelman syndrome
Video Interviews:Ben Barres: Connecting astrocytes to autismSimon Fisher: Language's variable role in autismStewart Mostofsky: Unrolling the motor deficit in autism